The Ultimate Guide to Wedding Gown Care

The Ultimate Guide to Wedding Gown Care

You’ve finally found it! The perfect wedding gown and it looks just like you always imagined it to be— long white trail with delicate lace detailing!

It’s important that you look after this exquisite dress which you’ve purchased with your hard-earned money.

We know how expensive bridal dresses can be. Follow proper care instructions and guidelines to ensure your dress lasts you a lifetime.

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How To Retain The Look And Feel Of Your Silk Collection

How To Retain The Look And Feel Of Your Silk Collection

There is no fabric better than silk to make you feel like royalty in your own skin!
It is no surprise that this fabric is also widely used as a metaphor for high-quality: silky smooth skin, silky hair, silky/velvety chocolate, etc.
Despite its aesthetic appeal and great comfort, people hesitate from opting for this fabric because its considered high-maintenance.
Read again: that is a MYTH!

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