Dry-cleaning services are nothing short of modern magic. Think about it. You send in balled-up, dirty pieces of clothing and they come back looking crisp and brand-new. Who can complain, right?
Well, it depends on the kind of dry-cleaning service you’re using.
Cleaning agents for clothes contain chemicals that are toxic for your health, the health of the dry-cleaning company’s employees and the environment. Many Americans and people around the globe have adopted eco-friendly living habits. An extension of that lifestyle is using a type of dry cleaning that won’t cause harm to anyone—organic dry-cleaning!
While this green dry-cleaning service is gaining momentum in several places, some may yet be unsure about what it exactly is and why they should immediately switch.
In this post we’ve outlined key benefits of organic dry-cleaning to help you get a better idea about the popular service.
What Does Organic Dry-Cleaning Do?
Organic dry-cleaning is a toxin-free form of cleaning that eliminates stains from your linens as well as negative side-effects of regular dry-cleaning. If you go to a reputable organic dry cleaner, you should end up with an impeccable, fresh-out-the-store look for your clothes.
How Is It Different From Regular Dry-Cleaning?
According to a report published on the U.S Environment Protection Agency (EPA) website, the commercial dry-cleaning industry is unfortunately, highly un-regulated. What this means for the average buyer is that seemingly eco-friendly claims on detergent bottles and cleaning agents are little more than a farce.
The solvent of choice for this industry is a potentially hazardous substance called PERC, which has been categorized as a carcinogenic in humans by the EPA.
Organic dry-cleaning takes responsibility towards users and the planet by staying clean of toxic chemicals like PERC and only using naturally-found products.
Why You Need To Switch To Organic Dry-Cleaning
Cleaning agents free of all traces of toxins help to mitigate detrimental impacts on one’s well-being. Before dropping your load at a non-organic dry cleaner, consider the following 2 points.
PERC Can Worsen Breathing Problems
The number of people in the U.S that are suffering from breathing difficulties like asthma have been on the rise year-on-year. PERC vapors can potentially exacerbate symptoms of such conditions in children and adults alike. Imagine taking your baby to the ER because they drove around in a locked car with dry-cleaning hung next them.
Short-Term PERC Exposure Can Impact The Nervous System
The problems don’t end with respiratory issues; PERC has been known to affect the Central Nervous System (CNS) of a person. The workers at dry-cleaning facilities are most at risk of regular exposure to this dangerous substance.
If you want to keep yourself and your loved ones safe in the clothes they wear, consider an organic dry-cleaning service provider.
NY Organic Dry Cleaners is a company that appreciates the importance of leading a green lifestyle. We offer top-of-the-line, custom organic dry-cleaning services and more.
Call us today at 718-459-7770 to make sure your clothes and health get all the love they deserve!